Saturday, 19 March 2011

My Music Magazine

Front Cover

Double Page Spread

                   Contents Page

I had to use Photoshop to create these 3 pages, which involved many skills. I had created many drafts for each page, and came out with these final pages.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Magazine Analysis

Magazine Analysis

The company that produces the magazine is NME. Their target audience is mainly targeted at 16+ year olds, who enjoy the music ambience and reading stories about their favorite celebrities. The cost of this magazine is £2.30 and is published weekly.  They circulate their magazine in a variety of ways, Radio, Online, Magazines, Mobile, and on TV. They mainly circulate by magazine, which is sold weekly and is a good way of keeping in touch. Also the website offers instant free access to the stories, which is better. There is no information about NME on the NRS website.
The Cover
The title is in big, bold black font NME, its called NME that stands for New Musical Express. I think they named it this as it’s all about ‘new’ music and it’s published weekly so it’s ‘express’ and fast. The strapline says New Musical Express, which is the meaning of NME. It is in white but in a smaller font and in all capitals.
The main image on the front cover is an image of James Allan the main vocalist of the band Glasvegas. There is a red and white lighting in the image. He is gazing at the camera; he is wearing white jeans, which reflects on the background. He is topless with writing on his body with a
quote from the film Bladerunner that he has changed at the end. His facial expression is serious which relates to the quote on his body. There are also images of other people above the story lines. The connotations of the font are that as it is big and bold, it is eye-catching and makes you interested in the magazine. The connotation of the red background is of blood, as it says bulletproof in big writing. The magazine looks similar to most NME magazines as they all include a big image on the front, and the title is also always big and there are always images to illustrate what is inside the magazine.  This magazine includes free posters, which is its unique selling point, as not all magazines have this.

In total there are 66 pages in this magazine. Out of the 66 pages there are 15 pages of adverts. The main types of products being advertised are shoes, clothes and gig tickets. In the magazine the main articles are about bands/artists new albums and stories about them e.g. Glasvegas – the man went from drugs back into music. In this magazine there are 7 double page spreads, which are mainly interviews with the acts talking about their stories. In this magazine there are no advertorials, where you are not sure if it is an advert or an article. This magazine achieves its house style by using similar fonts throughout the whole magazine and the front cover red colour matches the double page spread inside. Also most of the other pages use a white background, which keeps it all uniform and not weird. The language is also the same, it doesn’t change from informal to formal.